Friday, September 30, 2011

Ten Septic Tank Maintenance Tips

Lives of people in rural areas, which often have septic tanks instead of a sewer connection. The care of the septic tank is not difficult, because modern systems to function effectively as long as you follow the basic guidelines. Ideally, a septic tank effectively operate with rare interruptions to pumping. However, detergents, bleaches, medicines, cold and high flows of some of the causes of the problems of septic tanks.
Blockages, odors that could happen, and speak at the drain region and create threats or risks of poorer health for men. The most effective way to prolong life and maintain the septic system is through water conservation. The more water in your septic tank, treated water and later stops working. In the maintenance of your septic tank, you should organize your dishes, laundry and bathroom used to be able to use water wisely and efficiently. The following are effective ways to care for your septic tank.
Diver First, the rain water from the tank drain field and ensure that your landscaping plan, foundation drains and sewers good that the excess water away from the field of septic tank cleaning target.
Refrain from overloading the second tank, with toilets and water taps and leaks and repair if necessary. You can minimize the aerators on faucets and nozzles for use with flow-reducing pressure in the shower, the water consumption. Make clothes for small items to reduce the water and fill the dishwasher before running it. To minimize the water used for bathing, you can use a plunger.
Third Keep the tree away from the septic tank, which can damage the roots. Trees must be at least ten meters from the system.
Avoid pulling Fourth disposable diapers, kitty litter, sanitary napkins, paper towels, tampons, facial tissues, cigarette butts, coffee grounds and filters. It will cover the tank in less time than you think.
The correct use of fifth disposal, as to grind up food into small particles and are easier to digest for the septic system.
Sixth Minimize use of high performance cleaner for longer use it to kill bacteria could play an important role in the septic system, so the solids do not balance.
Seventh Note that the fat can clog the septic drainfield to avoid paying the grease down the drain.
Eighth Eliminate dangerous chemicals such as solvents, paints, gasoline and motor oil properly, it can ruin your septic tank and are hazardous to groundwater.
Ninth is necessary to build a structure in the drainage tank, or if covered with asphalt or concrete. Avoid planting grass in the field of drainage to prevent soil erosion.
Keep tenth regular septic tank and should be every three to five years. Never try to have the septic tank because of the dangerous gases and bacteria inside.

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